Just a quick session yielded some amazing results! I really love little boys and their mischievousness!
Maranda and Jon Provo Utah Engagements
Maranda and I have been friends for a long time, we even share the same birthday! When she called me about doing her engagements I was stoked. I love her and I wish love and happiness forever for these two.
Chad and Ariana Kennedy, Draper Utah Temple Wedding
The Utah Draper Temple is gorgeous, and it was even more magical because of all the storms!
Chad and Ariana had a beautiful day and I was lucky enough to capture it.
Ashley and Sergio, Utah Valley Wedding at Timpanogos Temple and The Joseph Smith Memorial in Salt Lake
I really loved this wedding, I feel like each wedding is special and I'm a part of it, but this family was absolutely wonderful. I'm so happy I was there to share their day!
I love Yuma Arizona, here is some work from that trip! We went to Salvation mountain and the surrounding area's. This was a much needed adventure trip! I have been on so many lately but they have been alone, it was nice to have family and friends along for the ride.